Bwaise is the poorest, most densely populated slum area in Kampala capital city and has all the problems associated with such areas. The predominantly Muslim slum area has a population of 90,000 people, 65% of these populations are youth between 15 and 25 years and 40% are Muslims. Poverty, lack of prospects, little or substandard education make Muslims of Bwaise vulnerable to recruitment by radical organizations. To survive, many young Muslims are engaged in hazardous and extremely low paying work: construction workers, brick layers, hawking, motorcycle, taxis, food trading, etc  Many of Bwaise young male and female Muslims are susceptible to alcohol and drug abuse and engage in petty crime and sex trade.

 With this in mind, AFFCAD in partnership with other community based organizations, local, religious and cultural leaders through the Bwaise Youth Employment Project will engage the most at risk youth to counter-radicalization efforts by providing them with the skills they need to either find employment or create their own businesses.